Hippity Hoppity!
Good evening!
Gasp! 2 blog posts in one week?! I know right?! I really am trying to get better at this.
This week has been rather productive all things considered. I got my aunt's order finished, and got more Easter products made and ready for sale at vendor events! Today I've been working hard on getting Easter Earrings made. They are BEYOND cute!!!! I can't wait to wear them!!!! While I was working on earrings I also got to spend some quality alone time with Mr. Frodo, my kitty and our mascot. Usually he has to compete for my lap with the toddler, but not today! Today Elijah spent time with his daddy downstairs! I have to say, Frodo is MUCH easier to work around than a giant 3.5 year old.
I've also gotten a few Bunnies made this week! Elijah even helped with those! He likes to pick out the eyes for the dolls. Lately he's been picking 2 eyes of different colors, which is fine! It helps add more personality to the toys, and is a great story to tell customers when they ask how something is made.
Now if I could just find more time to clean and organize my office so I can photograph it and get on Amazon handmade... Oh yeah, by the way, I'm considering trying out Amazon handmade along with Etsy for a bit, to see if I can get more online sales. Vendor and Craft events are fun, but I'd like to put less wear and tear on my car and my sleep habits. I'd also like to make a larger profit this year than I did last year. You know, because student loans, car payments, house, bills, food, toddler, and other adulting things that need to be paid for...
So, please, follow us on Facebook, Etsy, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and especially Instagram! And have all your friends and family follow us too! Every little bit helps!
Until next time dearies!